How surrogacy works
"Surrogacy" or "substitution" is when a woman becomes pregnant with the intention of giving her baby to someone else after giving birth. Typically, she has a child from a couple of parents who cannot become pregnant on their own.
There are two forms of surrogacy
The traditional one is the artificial insemination of the mother with her own egg. This also makes her the biological mother.
Gestational, where the egg is carried by the couple who will be holding the baby. That is, the egg is fertilized (IVF) and implanted into the surrogate. In this case, the surrogate has no genetic contact with the baby.
Are there any risks for surrogate mothers?
The law should ensure that "clinics are properly regulated, and mothers are adequately compensated, receive appropriate clinical care, and give appropriate consent.
Regulation can also ensure that "prospective parents are deemed suitable for the establishment of paternity in their country of origin."
Without regulation, the potential risk to any surrogate mother is that "if the child is born with any defect, the expectant parents may abandon the child."
Although it is difficult to gather evidence of exploitation, it is possible that, like any potential industry, surrogacy could open the door to abuse when third parties force women to become surrogate mothers.
Surrogacy Ukraine is performed through a medical practice in which a woman is carried by a man and a woman impregnated when the woman suffers a physical impossibility or medical contraindication to carry the pregnancy to her uterus, and her surrogate is made by the pregnant woman carrying the child.
There are four types of surrogacy: total, partial, onerous, and altruistic surrogacy. In interpreting these types, it is implied that the underlying idea is an agreement in which a woman is hired to provide her uterus, with the exception of opportunities to reward the pregnant woman's genetic material:
- Full surrogacy means that the pregnant woman is inseminated by bringing her own eggs, and that after carrying and giving birth she gives the child to a partner or contracting party;
- Partial surrogacy means what happens when a pregnant woman is hired solely to carry a fertilized embryo in her womb that has been transplanted, but comes from the fusion of the sperm and egg of a contracting partner or person;
- An onerous surrogacy is a surrogacy that occurs when a woman agrees to become pregnant instead of another, as if it were a service for which a certain and certain amount is paid in addition to the costs associated with the pregnancy;
- Altruistic surrogacy is what occurs when a woman agrees to become pregnant on behalf of another for free.